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Networking and Fees

Martin Chiropractic Clinic Resources

At Martin Chiropractic Clinic, our health care provider network includes massage therapists, physiotherapists and numerous health care practitioners.

Losing anything, especially your health, will require an investment of your time and money to recover it. Rest assured that our fees are in accordance with Ontario Chiropractic Association Guidelines. Once we have an opportunity to evaluate your case, we’ll explain what we’ve found and what we think it will take for you to get well, and just as important, to stay well.

Service Fee
Initial Consultation (Adult) $96
Initial Consultation (Student or Senior) $86
Regular Office Visit (Adult) $51
Regular Office Visit (Student or Senior) $45

Links to Providers Martin Chiropractic Clinic Refers to:



Martin Chiropractic Clinic Fees and Resources | (519) 886-2570